Spring is a time of year when life is budding.
Life is ready to unfold, launch and blossom. The same energy that drives the changes in the upward movement also drives our body to initiate growth, change and the determination to achieve that development.
To celebrate the beginning of Spring, I would like to share the report I received from a patient, who arrived at the office complaining of pain in her neck due to a protruded disc and who, on her beautiful journey, woke up!
“In 2014 I had a cervical disc protrusion and I arrived at Ana Paula in 2015 to do RPG, I had already undergone many exams and other physiotherapy without success, I couldn't take that shoulder pain anymore. I ended up becoming interested in somato therapy (somatization) as I had tried other therapies and remedies without success. That's when my journey of self-discovery began. In one of the first sessions she said to notice how I was and feel like a tree and standing up, with my eyes closed for me to describe, I started by saying that I had a thick, strong trunk and that it had no leaves and I didn't move, not even with the wind, there was my description, full of rules, fixed concepts that I don't know how I became rigid with everything, with myself and with life... In another session, he gave me several foods to try, I didn't taste anything, as if was sand. And then I found out that I didn't have a favorite food or color and I didn't feel anything, because I lived on automatic. I went through 2 years of sessions and breakthroughs and got the high I thought I would never get. A month later I was pregnant. A lot happened and in 2019 my shoulder pain came back without me doing anything, but I already knew the way and went back to the sessions. When they say that when a child is born, a mother is born... yes, someone else is born, full of doubts, guilt and an immense desire not to make mistakes... and problems appear. Halfway through, I no longer felt the pain, as my body and I were more connected than in the beginning. And so time went by, I allowed myself to experience sensations and be present in my life. I went through problems and it got to the point that Ana Paula suggested seeing a psychologist to help me, even though I didn't think I needed it, I went! It was another process, sometimes difficult, but necessary for those who want to evolve. In one of the last sessions, now in 2021, I felt my body a little crooked on the stretcher, head and arms, and Ana Paula asked me to describe it better and without thinking, I described a tree, with branches and leaves that swayed in the breeze and very moved, I was that tree that had nothing to do with the one at the beginning of this story. Now feeling the sensations, living the present. The work together between the psychologist and Ana Paula was very good, in fact it was liberating, even though the path is tortuous and painful, there is no greater happiness than finding the light at the end of the tunnel. I am very grateful to Ana Paula for having guided me through this process, because now I am more colorful, I feel my feet when I am walking, I can feel emotions, I can decide for what I want and I can be a better mother and person. I've come this far without fear of what might come and I haven't given up on myself. Welcome to my next best years of my life.”
Beautiful story, isn't it? Take advantage of the arrival of Spring to walk somewhere in open nature, among trees, flowers, on the banks of a river, stream or lake, in a park or even a square. Take advantage of this beautiful season to experience the wind touching your body. Make yourself! Allow yourself! Taste more sour fruits. Practice kindness. Scream outdoors when you feel like it. Open your eyes wide! Observe all the charm of this season!
Dra Ana Paula Grilo Salmaso Physiotherapist Crefito 3 119033-F www.draanapaulasalmaso.com.br
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