Winter is the time of year when everything in nature slows down. It is the end of the cycle of the seasons, where the sun decreases, the fields are left uncultivated, the animals hibernate, the seeds of the plants are latent ready to germinate in the next season and the stillness of the ice is present.
And ours is also part of this whole process. The cold induces a decrease in rhythm, making movement slower or even restricted. Water accounts for 55 to 60% of an adult's body weight and is what keeps joints supple and pliable. With the arrival of the cold, it is common to observe an increase in muscle contraction and less hydration in the joints and intervertebral discs, which can result in a more accentuated picture of pain.
In winter, days are short and night falls earlier. Take advantage of the rhythm to sleep earlier and preserve your energy.
As it is directly linked to the movement of the waters, winter brings the rule of the Kidneys and Bladder. Have you noticed that with his arrival you go to the bathroom more? Urine production is directly related to fluid intake, temperature and air humidity. Normally, with the colder and drier climate, there is less perspiration through the skin and less loss of liquid during breathing. Thus, more urine accumulates in the bladder, which can lead to increased urinary frequency. But keep an eye out! See if you're going to the bathroom more than 10 times during the day and if there's discomfort when urinating! It is a propitious time for the increase of genito-urinary tract complaints.
Take advantage of this season to make a deep retreat! Spend a little time trying to discover which of your ideas and goals are still slumbering in the dark and why you haven't dared to carry them out so far. Excessive cold freezes. It can bring insecurity, fear and distress! Rest within yourself! Try making your body your shelter, your support and your security! Take in!
Article produced in partnership by the interdisciplinary professionals of the Clínica Quanta Team:
Dra Ana Paula Grilo Salmaso – Physiotherapist specializing in pain management @draanapaulasalmaso www.draanapaulasalmaso.com.br
Dra Emily Polessi – Pelvic Physiotherapist specializing in Women's and Children's Health @emilypolessi
Mailde Tripoli – Systemic Constellator and Art Therapy